Dust Bin (collection of unpublished articles)

Dust Bin

Today’s “Great Game(s)”: Big Moves in the small Spratly Islands

Calling it a “Great Game” is a crude metaphor, given the human stakes, but foreign policy has always been our strategy in complicated global games, and, at this stage, the Administration seems to have no idea what the games are and no strategy for playing. Endless failures over the last six years suggest the White House has put in some of the worst players we have ever had.

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Code Blue: Democratic Field DOA

oe Biden, really? The polls show Biden well ahead, but there’s little real enthusiasm. Biden’s lead comes from name recognition – the other candidates have done little in their careers to gain serious attention. And, to a large degree, Biden’s lead shows how much the majority of Democrats want to avoid the losing path of choosing extremists, and especially a socialist/Marxist like Bernie Sanders.

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Trump Moves to Slay the Chinese Dragons

Dragons are on everyone’s mind this week. Paralleling the climax of Game of Thrones, a far more high stakes game (with real dragons) is taking place with consequential stakes for America. Trump is hunting Chinese dragons.

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John Kerry/Hillary Clinton: Not Not Guilty

I’m not a lawyer (although neither are many TV pundits), but I thought Mueller’s legal reasoning in his now infamous press conference was great … for opening up a 50 gallon oil drum of worms, legal and political. He could not confirm that Trump was “not not guilty” of obstruction of justice. Well that’s going to become a great standard for legal and political discussion.

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Russian Collusion? How About John Kerry?

During the past few weeks, we’ve all been treated to a drumbeat from the Democratic Congress and cable news that the President is a traitor and should be indicted, convicted, and jailed for who knows what. All of this based on the thinnest evidence, which could not even bring an indictment after 2 years. Well, OK, let’s play that game.

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